July 13, 2007

Summary from Adobe:

Critical vulnerabilities have been identified in Photoshop CS2 and CS3 that could allow an attacker who successfully exploits these potential vulnerabilities to take control of the affected system. A malicious BMP, DIB, RLE, or PNG must be opened in Photoshop by the user for an attacker to exploit these potential vulnerabilities. Users are recommended to update their installations with the patches provided below, and Adobe encourages all customers to be cautious before opening any unknown file, regardless of which application they may be using.

Get the updates here!


Make sure you do a full back up of your system and  of course your photos. Updating usually doesn’t bother anything but I’ve known people who have lost EVERYTHING from updates and didn’t have a back up.


Until Next Time,

Jarrod Michael


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July 10, 2007

Well, with all the hype of the iPhone and the unconfirmed estimates of 500,000 – 700,000 iPhones sold in the first week alone, photographers who now own the iPhone may want to know how to get their images from Lightroom to their iPhone without worry. And for you Mac users out there you can download an Automator script to make this process even more workflow friendly. James Duncan Davidson of Inside Lightroom from O’Reilly posted this great tip. Check it out here.

Until next time,

Jarrod Michael

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July 1, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS Special Edition, Photoshop, and Creative Suite CS3 Review Audiocast
To download mp3 podcast, right click above link, and “Save As”
Podcast subscription feed is http://feeds.feedburner.com/prophotoshow

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  • Audio Review Time Index…
  • Introductions 1:40 — Photoshop CS3 13:00 — Photoshop CS3 Extended 31:09
  • Bridge 37:05 — In Design 40:35 — Illustrator 49:00 — Acrobat 52:49
  • Dreamweaver 56:30 — Flash 1:01:38 — Fireworks 1:05:50
  • Device Central 1:09:05 — Contribute 1:10:37 — Closing Thoughts 1:15:20

With so many application in the Adobe Creative Suite, and since we wanted to cover all of them I’ve put together a special episode entirely on CS3. If you don’t like the shows that get down to details on software than you may want to skip this one. If however your eager mind wants to know more about Creative Suite Design, and Web editions then this is the place to be. You’ll also find that the Photoshop review (which is the first one) is the most in depth, so if your just a PS user you can simply listen to that part. Also post you comments about your thoughts on the new Creative Suite Products, and let Adobe hear what you have to say.

Knowing that it can be a hassle to muddle through all the new choices in the Creative suite I’ve outlined the primary programs that each includes. All suites include the new Adobe Bridge. Programs in todays review are all from either the Web, or Design editions of CS3, and include Photoshop, Photoshop Extended, In Design, Illustrator, Acrobat Professional, Dreamweaver, Flash Professional, Fireworks, and Contribute. All the applications can also

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June 30, 2007

The Adobe Lightroom version 1.1 update just came out. Rather the the daily bore of behind the scenes enhancements that usually come with an update like this, Adobe has added some WOW into the mix with some great new features, including easy to manage catalogs, better presets organization and…. Wait why are you still reading click play and watch it in the video.

Click here for the crisp high resolution version

[tags]adobe, lightroom, update, 1.1, management, photography, workflow[/tags] Gavin Seim Photography 2007


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June 29, 2007

Did anyone else notice this article in The New York Times today?

Here’s the slug: “City May Seek Permit and Insurance for Many Kinds of Public Photography”

Granted, this permit idea is just that – an idea. Additionally, it doesn’t seem to affect the individual photographer, but it would affect those of you who go on photo excursions.

There are many issues here regarding our rights as photographers and we should all pay very close attention to this story.

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