May 8, 2007

Try saying that three times fast! Just when you thought your list of presets in Photoshop Lightroom couldn’t get any longer, along comes this post. I found this newest link in the feedback section on Lightroom Killer Tips. The site is called Inside Lightroom. It is loaded with useful presets that are neatly categorized by the different effects. A feature of this site that I really like is how they show examples of what the preset looks like on both a landscape and a portrait image. One of my favorites is located in the “Colour Effects” sections called “300.” As you may have guessed, it mimics the visual effects of the movie 300. Perfect for those tough guy seniors.

Tying this into Gavin’s main topic of this week, there is also a section of presets called “High Dynamic Range Effects” What these do is let you apply seven different presets to the same image to make it look like you took seven different exposures ranging from underexposed to overexposed and everything in between. I haven’t tried these yet but I would think you would get better results from actually taking three different images vs simulating multiple shots. If anyone out there does give these HDR presets a try, please leave a comment to this post with your results or feedback. Enjoy!


[tags]hdr, high, dynamic, range, photography, lightroom, presets[/tags] DZ Photography

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May 6, 2007

Click Button To Listen, PPS Episode #29 HDR Part 1

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Click here for HDR Part 2

Microsoft HD Photo has been announced. Get yourself started with Photoshop actions by going to the Adobe Exchange. Download Gavin’s free production enhancer action Visual Razor.

HDR Part 1.

It’s time to learn HDR. Listen to the main topic in this weeks show starting at time index 17:50, and more to come in next weeks show. HDR Software besides Photoshop includes Photomatix from HDR Soft. You can use our promo code PPS15 to save 15%. There’s also another HDR app available called FDR tools.

Here is an example photo taken off of Highway 12 in WA of a worker in the Tulip fields. This was done using Photomatix Pro & Photoshop, with 3 raw images. Notice how the detail can be captures in not only the foreground, but also the sky which would normally be washed out. At the same time however it’d still has a natural look to it, with some shadows and depth. (click for a larger version)

Put the final touch on your HDR images with Hollywood Effects Photoshop Actions.


HDR Sample1

By- Gavin Seim Wedding & Portrait Photographer

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May 2, 2007

For weeks we here at PPS have been telling you to pick up your copy of Photoshop Lightroom before the $199 introductory price expired. Well April 30th has come and gone and you can now pick up Photoshop Lightroom at for $299.

But wait! I found that B&H Photo & Video are still offering Photoshop Lightroom for $199! is actually selling it for $197.95. I don’t know if this is just an oversight on B&H & Amazon’s part or that this is just going to be their everyday discounted price. Regardless, if you were kicking yourself for not picking up this great application at the discounted price, here’s your chance to redeem yourself!


DZ Photography

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April 25, 2007


The days are counting down until Lightroom increases in price from $199 to $299. You have until the end of April to buy your copy for the lower price. You can find Lightroom here.

Adobe has just introduced a Lightroom Getting Started Guide. This guide is FREE and available for download.



Until Next Time,

Jarrod Michael

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April 24, 2007

Photovision, the makers of educational dvds and photographic equipment, have started taking orders for their newest educational dvd set entitled, “Lightroom Simplified.” It will feature Ed Pierce who hosts most if not all of Photovision’s dvds. Here is what Photovision is saying about Lightroom Simplified:

Abode’s Photoshop Lightroom is poised to become the professional photographer’s essential toolbox providing one application for managing, adjusting and presenting large volumes of digital photographs. Spend less time in front of the computer and more time behind the lens. This tutorial will save you weeks of trial and error covering every aspect of Lightroom’s 5 modules in detail beginning with installation, setup and preferences. The step-by-step video is designed so you can work side-by-side right on your desktop or if you prefer Lightroom Simplified can be played on any home style DVD player. Uncover the secrets of Lightroom and get your life back.

lghtrom cvrThis set of 5 DVDs will cover each of the 5 Lightroom modules (Develop, Library, Slideshow, Print, Web.) Regular price will be $149 but the special pre-release price is $99. According to their website, it should be shipping around the end of May.

My View: It seems that lately everyone is doing a Photoshop Lightroom dvd, tutorial, or book these days! I guess that just comes with the release of a new, 1.0 photo software program. I am particularly interested in this one because it will focus on Photoshop Lightroom work flow and techniques as it relates to wedding and portrait photographers.

Catch you later,


DZ Photography

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