June 17, 2008

I‘ve been writing Photoshop actions for the up coming release of the Photographer Essentials collection (title subject to change)

I‘m pretty stoked about the progress. While the Hollywood effects action have a wide range of killer effects, I felt Seim Effects needed a collection that offered clean everyday effects and production tools. This set will not be replacing Hollywood Effects at all, but rather adding to the possibilities.

One example is the new Simple Soft. I wanted a softening effects that was not over the top. Just straightforward and cool looking. Simply soft is smooth and effective, without being complex. Heres a sample of Simply Soft II. It a subtle look that makes images amazing!

I‘ve also been working with a method to make Burn and Dodging easy and non destructive, yet have it apply to all layers. I’m really happy with the effects that are going to be in this set. It’;s not a repeat of our Hollywood Effects, but a whole new addition to the Seim workflow. There’s not an official release date yet, but these actions should be out in the next couple months. Stay tunes for news, or drop me an email to be notified… Gavin

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May 30, 2008

If you follow my photography blog, you probably saw my latest digital art work, that I call Road to the past. As promised here is the details of how I made it.

Animae effect with Road to the past

I recently saw the movie Speed Racer, and liked the smooth saturated Anime like feel. Not that it would work for every image, but it had a good feel. So I started to work an some actions. I frequently get visual ideas from movies, and movie posters, and though I’m sure this does not meet the official standard for Anime, it was inspired by that look.

I‘ve finally found a sweet spot with a few adjustable actions that give a saturated, Anime type look, without looking fake and foolish. Here’s a bit of what I did to get this image.

This is my original image. This was taken on a side road of HWY 12 in Washington. A cool shot, but not yet spectacular…

My first job in making this into digital art, was to clone out the things I didn’t want. The goal here was not to make an exact representation of this scene, but use it as the model for the piece I really wanted. I also added some clouds in place of the blank sky that was in the corner. Below is the cloned version.

So when all the cloning was done the rest was easy now that I had the action I needed. I ran the effect I’ve titled Anime II, and then spent some time doing final adjustments on the layers & masks. Lastly I added subtle beams of light (look far up the road) to add some dimension do the image. Basically this was dome by painting white lines on a new layer, blurring them, adding a little outer glow, and then setting that layer to overlay mode.

I‘m happy with the finished product, and it looks great in print. I feel the effect is not too over the top, and yet still has a good feel to it that offer something more than just a plain photo. It’s close to that line between painted, and photograph, yet without looking automated. I’m defiantly loving these actions

If you want to hurry me along making these actions available, or want to be added to the notification list just drop me a note… Gavin Seim

Animae effect with Road to the past

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March 30, 2008

I wanted to post a free video from my up and coming Seim Effect video series.

Burn and dodge is one of those overlooked gems that can give you control over where viewer attention is drawn to in an image. Some people avoid vignettes, burns and dodges because they don’t realize how effective they can be.

I see images nearly every day that could be twice as good with a little B&D Love. This is just as important with HDR images ass well ad they tend to be a bit flat in their natural state. Here’s a Seim Effects video on the topic. It’s slightly cheesy, but a good look at how I leverage B&D. Click the link to get the free High Res version.

~Download High Quality Version For Free~

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March 28, 2008

Hey photo junkies. I wanted to post a quick news update for effects fans. As you know I’m a fanatic or great editing as well as workflow. The effects I make are mot just to sell. As photographer, and I use them myself all the time, so I’m always thinking about how to do cooler things more efficiently.

I‘m going to be working on a small video collection that talks about the mechanics behind the image I make. What goes into them. Not just what preset or action I use, but the little things the make all the difference in an amazing shot.

As you can imagine there will be a small charge to get the whole set of videos, but be on the lookout for a great free video of how to use Burn & Dodge to add magic to an image. B&D is a very simple, but overlooked tool in our kit, and I see images literally all the time that could be transformed by just a little burning & dodging.

If you think you might want the whole video set Contact Me and ask to be put on the notify list. Those who do will be getting a special dicount when the video are out. If your not sure that’s cool too! Just stay tuned for to gavs free goodies.

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March 18, 2008

There’s a new version of Hollywood Effects out today. Along with a few minor updates, there’s a brand new action I’m really excited about called Dragon Eye. It’s a great general use Dragonizer effect that I think you’ll really like.

We also launched a new Hollywood Effects sneak peak video showing you what inside, and what you can do with the latest Hollywood Effects Actions.

If you already own the action check your inbox for the update, If not head over to the Hollywood Effects Page and pick them up.

dragon action gavin seim

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