February 24, 2007

As professional photographers we always need inspiration. Flikr is such a great place to find it, and I try to spend time now an then getting inspiration, and ideas. Here is a shot I found that I felt was really superb. A simple & beautiful newborn photo


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February 22, 2007

ikon has announced 8 stunning new models to their popular Coolpix digital camera line. The new units cover a broad range of choices for nearly any level shooter. More can be found ob the Nikon website

Coolpix P5000
Coolpix S500
Coolpix S200
Coolpix S50
Coolpix S50c
Coolpix L12
Coolpix L11
Coolpix L10

Gavin Seim
Pro Photography Show Audio Cast

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February 19, 2007

Well I went and did it PPS. And she said yes. I even did my own photography for it lol. I’ll post more images, and details over on my personal/photo blog.
Heres the link to my engagement post

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November 13, 2006

This weekend I did some more shooting for Sea Galley in Yakima. Had a good time, and got some good shots for a table tent going up for some Christmas treats.

After there shooting there was some left, and let me tell you both these pies are great. They just melt in your mouth. It was a significant challenge because we wanted to get the seasonal theme into the shot, but still show the pie well. Also pecan pie is not easy to work with in an image an make look really good. Overall I’m pretty happy worth the outcome, and I know that in a few days when these things go on the tables that these pies will sell like hotcakes (well actually pies)

The challenge on food shooting is from every angle, but it’s rewarding (if you know what I mean) It seems that every time you have a new item to shoot the rules change, because of the way it needs to be presented to look good. I’m finding as I learn more from shooting food that it’s immensely usefull to shoot digital, tethered to the camera so that there’s an instant preview. Food photography is a very client involved style of shooting, and aside from me being able to see what’s happening, the client really benefits by seeing as we go along so they can get exactly what they want.

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