Light in nature can be amazing and it can also be awful. Sometime it needs a bit of artificial adjustments, sometimes you just need to find the right shade. In this new upload to my channel we take a quick walk in the woods and talk about using the natural light and surroundings to our advantage.
I’m here in the jungles of epic central Mexico near Tamasopo and there’s line and light everywhere.
I filmed this video to share my experience about where the frame begins and ends because it’s critically important to getting perfect composition. We’ll talk more about this location and it’s lines in the Dec Photo Kit and you can get the first month free here. In the meantime watch this and let me know how you judge your frame stop. — Gav
Today Gavin leads us through a brief look at photographic history. He talks a bit about how classical art can help us as photographers and finishes with a look at essential concepts that will make us better at our work.
46x34, Portrait of Nicolas Ruts. Rembrandt, 1631. It seems that even 300+ years ago, a wall portrait was a thing of note. Look at the quality of this work. Click for a larger version. Even the catch lights look perfect.