On Todays Show:Gavin Seim – Trey Ratcliff.This week I talk about attending workshops, the new Pocket Wizards and join HDR legend Trey Ratcliff for a great talk about the world of photography and HDR.
This week we talk about some great new gear and goodies, as well as hear cool tips from some great guests including the one and only David Ziser. Here’s all the glorious links and there’s a lot of them.
As I mentioned in last week’s tip, the slower winter months are a great time to get the different aspects of your business in good order for the upcoming wedding season. This week’s tip is to make sure the literature for your business is accurate and up to date. I would not only include brochures, business cards, pamphlets, contracts, and postcards in this category, but also the wording on your website or blog as well. Here are some important things to look for when looking over your materials:
Here in Minnesota, the wedding season slows down quite a bit this time of year. Why? Let’s just say I woke up to -18 F this morning and leave it at that. Now is a perfect time for those of us working in “cooler” locations to take a moment to wrap up any loose ends from 2008 and get refreshed for the 2009 wedding season. I suppose “refresh” could refer to mind and body but I’m mostly talking about your business literature and images in this case. Let’s focus on the latter for this week’s tip.
Start sifting those “Wow!” shot gems out of the hundreds, thousands, maybe even hundreds of thousands of images you and your staff snapped off last year. “What do I do if I have like 250 great shots picked out?” Well then I would suggest going into your closet, pull out your “World’s Most Awesome Photographer” T-shirt, put it on, pat yourself on the back and get your butt back in front of your computer ‘cause you’ve got more editing down to do! Be tough on yourself. Pick out what you think are your ten to twenty best “Wow!” shots from 2008. Much like Kevin Kubota touched on in PPS Episode #47, select the images that best represent the kind of shots you truly enjoy doing and want to do more of. Choose the images that best define you.
Notable Time Indexes:
29:00 Gadget Guide
44:28 Kevin Swan joins the show. He has some great marketing tips.
1:57:30 After Show (Marketing and wedding talk)
Disclaimer: Do not use film cameras as fireplace fuel. They could cause hazardous fumes.