August 25, 2008


 * 08.26.08 UPDATE! The 50D is official via Canon’s press release.  Shipping in Oct. Here’s the product page on Canon’s site.

This is yet another Canon rumor, but it does seem to have decent foundation. It seems these pics of the up coming 50D were leaked on Canon’s Japan website. It seems to me that the 40D just came out, but I guess with Canon having now fallen behind Nikon in the game,it stands to reason the whole line will be revamped.

Rumor has it this will be a 15mp body with ISO levels up to 12,800. This makes sense since it would be pitting itself against the Nikon D300.

The world is still waiting on the 5D MK2 (7D), and here we are talking about a EOS 50D. I say their both likely to be released late this summer, to fall. Canon has to make a move soon, but again, just rumors. More on Engadet, and Gizmondo. Thanks to FullMetal in the forums.

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August 20, 2008

Our Power Workflow lightroom presets are our most popular tool. Hundreds of photographers are using Lightroom with PW to keep their workflow going ultra fast. Our other presets, as well as the actions are also very popular, and we want your feedback.

I take Seim effects very seriously. I field test my presets and actions while under the gun, and I’m always looking for ways to make them better than before. I was just using some new Presets this weekend while at a wedding, and I’m pretty excited about what we’re working on.

So how could we improve our products. Organization, naming, categories, the way effects are applied. These are all things I try out and think about when working to make updates. What are your thoughts, and what would you like to see made to help us help you improve your editing??

Leave us a comment and let me know, or shoot me an email directly. A appreciate your feedback.

Also make sure in the S.E. club by being a a fan on Facebook. You’ll get updates, and most of all free goodies and effects to try out.

Gavin Seim

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August 15, 2008

world.jpgWe already get a significant amount of traffic from photographers across the globe. It’s easy to be so used to your own language that you just think it’s normal for everyone. English is automatic for me, but not for everyone.

I was reviewing stats last night and decided it was time to look into more choices for our non US photo friends. In the last 30 days PPS has had visitors from 126 countries.

I was up till 2:30 last night and now if you look to the left you’ll see the language panel. Just click your a flag, and the page will be translated into one of 21 languages. Thanks to the Global Translator The system sends the text to a translation engine, and then the site caches it. For that reason you may have to return in a few minutes to get the translation. Here’s and example of our popular Lightroom Preset Directory translated to Spanish.

Are the translations perfect? I doubt it, but it brings us one step closer to each other across the globe and I’m pretty excited about it. I’m also working on implementing this  feature on our sister site Seim Effects. There’s still more to be done of course. The podcast is English only of course, but we making progress, and who knows what future technolighy will bring us.

Gavin Seim

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August 14, 2008

<<Click To Listen – Photography Roundtable #9 PPS#49

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Todays Panel…
Michael Anderson ~ Anderson PhotographyCraft You Sucess
Gavin Seim ~ Seim PhotographyEffects & Presets
Josh Weisberg
~ Microsoft Rich Media Group
Kadie Pangburn ~ Pangburn Photography
Dennis Zerwas
~ DZ Photography

Mark Parker
~ MarksBrides

Note: We had a few levels problems this week. We’ve reworked the audio & updated the file. Sorry for the imperfection. Should be fixed next time… Gav

Show notes
Episode Forum Discussion

Notable Time Index’s
Microsoft 2:53-21:30
Lightroom 2.0 22:02
Legal Stuff & Contracts 44:15
Lucas Art & DRM 57:00
After Show 2:12:24


Podcast Listeners can Save
15% from OnOne software with promo code PRPHTPC
20% on Seim Effects this week with promo code PODCAST

Microsoft Pro Photo tools for geotagging photo’s. It’s free, but no mac version. Mac  user can buy expression media pro and get similar features. The iFi wireless card can also use WiFi for tagging. Microsoft also has PhotoSynth

Lenovo and Microsoft team up for the W700 photographers laptop. It has a built in Wacom tablet.

NILMDTS topic got a lot of response last show. People really supported them.

Photographic is one alternative to WPJA. (their site is now as of this writing)

Lucas Art Pro is out. It’ll cost you nearly 600- bucks though, Yikes!

Online event image hosting and sales… Pictage vs Exposure Manager vs Collages vs Photocart Photocart is something you buy, and then pay no fees. The others charge a continual fee. PhotoReflect was also recommended on the forums.

Michael will be on the Craft Your Success Canadian tour this fall.

Gavin wrote an article about using WordPress for you entire site.

Picks of the week.

Think Tank Photo Steroid Belt

Show It transformer For Show It Web shows. It converts shows to pro show gold format

Totally Rad Actions

Start Up Biz cast podcast
. A good podcast about business

Seim Effects Creative Essentials actions
ShowIt Sites from David Jay. A great way to get a noce website.

From Camera to Print
will help you learn about printing photo’s and getting great results…

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August 14, 2008

facebook.jpgDo you have pictures on Facebook? It looks like the FB lawyers are using that nice little trick of hiding the cunning goodies in the legal confusion and hoping people won’t notice.

Now we enjoy Facebook as well as the next guy, but this is a bit nuts. Thanks to Everett shooting it our way.

The Facebook terms of use state that any image you post is essentially theirs for the taking. As long as it remains on their site they say they can do pretty much whatever they want with it. Here’s the quote from their terms of use.

On the suggestions side. I myself always post low res images. Not only on FB, but on Flickr, my site etc. I usually logo them, and keep em in the 600-800px range. It’s true that at that size somebody could still steal them for their site, but what they’d get would not really be print quality. That however is no excuse for FB.

“By posting User Content to any part of the Site, you automatically grant, and you represent and warrant that you have the right to grant, to the Company an irrevocable, perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, fully paid, worldwide license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, publicly perform, publicly display, reformat, translate, excerpt (in whole or in part) and distribute such User Content for any purpose, commercial, advertising, or otherwise, on or in connection with the Site or the promotion thereof, to prepare derivative works of, or incorporate into other works, such User Content, and to grant and authorize sublicenses of the foregoing. You may remove your User Content from the Site at any time. If you choose to remove your User Content, the license granted above will automatically expire, however you acknowledge that the Company may retain archived copies of your User Content”

Looks like it’s time for the FB lawyers to call back to earth, and for a lot of users to voice their complaints. Especially those of us that are photographers. I seem to recall Adobe doing something like this recently (wink). They backed down after a bit of outrage. For the record let me say that YOU Facebook have NO RIGHTS to use my photos. I’ve just revoked them.

Gavin Seim

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