December 25, 2009


by Gavin Seim: I’ve spent much of this Christmas Eve doing the final prep, but it’s ready. The Seim Effects/Pro Photo Show annual Christmas gift pack. Just my way of saying thanks for all your support and feedback over the past year. Theres good things in store for 2010 so stay tuned.

This years pack has four new presets based on tones inspired by film. This is something I’ve been working on lately and there’s more to come in the future. Next are four textures to add character to your photos. There’s also an action included to make overlaying and placing any texture really easy.

You can get more specific details with the info that’s included in the download and see a couple samples below. Mouse over the images to see the presets before and after. Also don’t forget the contest we’re hosting for the free  Lensbaby Composer. Go here for entry info. Also stop by Pro Photo Show for the latest podcasts and join the community. There’s good things ins tore for 2010.

Download and enjoy. Here’s to a great 2010 and wishing you a Merry Christmas and New Year. I’m off to spend mine with the family. Hope you are too… Gavin Seim

Download the FREE 2010 Gift Pack Zip


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December 23, 2009

by Gavin Seim: I find myself fascinated with film of late. I don’t use it anymore, but I realize that some are pretty passionate about it. I posted on Pro Photo Show recently with a few thoughts and a poll on the topic. Quite a few still use film it seems. Why? Is it the texture,  grain, color, or is it just the reminiscence of really old photographers? Kidding, not that old. I used film when I started out. By the time I started getting good however I had moved to digital, so those romantic feelings some have towards film are not strong in me.

I’ve been taking notice though. Thinking about how film looks and how we edit these days. Don’t get me wrong I love a well processed photo, but I’ve started experimenting a little. Making effects that use classic tones and film inspiration. Here’s an article I found where Travis Easton compared a MK2 digital file to a Velvia image. What’s remarkable to me, is how even without editing it the film image looks great. Here’s another look at film vs digital over on Luminous landscape.

Now I don’t intend to start shooting film, I just don’t think it makes sense. But understanding what makes a great image is my livelihood. I want to know what it is about film and use that knowledge to make my photography and my effects better. We should always learn from the past, even if it’s grainy.

As a test I decided to try for the Velvia look, so I spent awhile very subtly tweaking a LR preset. If you mouse over you’ll see the before/after of what I’ve come up with so far. You’re also likely to see more in future updates of my effects. Bottom line though. I think what we’ll see over time are the good things from both mediums converging and becoming a better digital than ever. Neither film or digital will be the same as the other, but I think the future of digital will look and feel great. What say you?

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September 25, 2009


My brother Grant and his Wife Aimee has a some a few days ago. Sadly, due to a rare umbilical problem at birth he passed away.

In memory of Grant IV and to help my brother and his wife with medical expenses I’ve made a special collection. These are never before released Lightroom and Photoshop effects, as well other goodies including a new HDR training video. 100% of from this profits go to help out. It’s a good cause, and a great deal that will not stay this price. More details and video here.

I appreciate all the kind words people have been sending in. I’ve also set up a special address for condolences. For those who wish to send them they can be direct to and I’ll forward them along.


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September 20, 2009

Power Workflow 2 is our biggest seller here at Seim effects and for good reason. All our products are very effective and many users have the complete collection of products, but PW2 is at the core of the super fast yet creative editing workflow that we’re all about. Thank you all for spreading the word and making the Seim Effects such a popular product line.

Version 2.5 has made PW2 that much better with some great new presets and refinements to current ones. This new version something you’ll want in your kit.

It’s a FREE update for current Power Workflow2 owners. If you didn’t get the automatic upgrade email contact me and I’ll get you taken care of. If you’re still using the old V1 of Power Workflow you”re missing out. V1 users are still eligible for an upgrade discount so contact me if you need a code…. Gavin

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September 8, 2009

It’s amazing how much information is in the files coming from today’s cameras. I’ve been looking at ways to bring out better dynamic range on single files and I find I can pull out more tones using LR than in Photoshop. Today I’ve made a video looking at using mask and Luminance tools to control tones. You can play below, or download the high-res version via the link. I’ll also be speaking on Lightroom at the PPW Fall Conference so if you’re in the region stop by… Gavin

Download HQ Video Here

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