April 6, 2010

Color Fantasies LR presets have been out for nearly two months and I’m proud to say have been incredibly well received. While Power Workflow2 is still a mainstay for general editing and workflow, CF has gotten myself and many users thinking and using color more creatively without spending a lot of extra time in their editing.

Today marked the release of  CF V1.1, which includes a few tweaks and enhancements to existing effects, as well as two brand new movie inspired effects. Old London was inspired by the color tones I noticed throughout the new Sherlock Holmes movie and Deep Magic came after I watched the second installment to Lord of the Rings and notices the subdued yet catching way in which color was used.

If you own Color Fantasies check your inbox for the 1.1 download. If you don yet have them, check them out here. If for some reason you did not receive the update feel free to contact me. Also if you’re not a member if the Facebook page don’t wait. FB fans gets extra special deals updated and tips Enjoy… Gav

“Got the Color Fantasies yesterday and you’ve outdone yourself, Gavin! They are really wonderful. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next” Connie Graham Terry

“The new “Color Fantasies” is gorgeous. It will define my look for 2010… simply great stuff!” Julian Fuhrmann

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February 21, 2010

Mouse over images to view the “before effect” version.

A little something for you Apple Aperture users today. Aperture 3 released and they FINALLY added support for presets. I was stoked. It’s not perfect and while I still prefer Lightroom myself (no need for you Lighroom users to worry. I won’t be forgetting you) it does have real presets functionality that works well..

Anyways I jumped right in and started playing with presets and seeing what I could do if I got under the hood in the Adjustments panel. It’s not the same as Lightroom, but there’s some powerful tools. I made this pack of 6 presets that cover a variety of looks including B&W, basic enhancement and color tones. There even a preset that boosts dynamic range for a mild HDR like effect.

I plan to keep looking in Aperture and if I see enough interest I may consider a complete workflow collection of presets like I offer for Lightroom, so if you’re interested let me know. Download an enjoy. I’ll paste some basic usage instructions below as well… Gav

UPDATE. 03/11. Gavin has also released a full Aperture presets collection called LightFlow. There’s a free sampler from that pack here.

– Download FREE Aperture Light Study1 Presets –

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February 18, 2010

Color Fantasies is my latest collection of Lightroom Presets that focuses entirely on color. It doesn’t mess around about it either. CF gets under the hood in Lightroom and transforms images into beautiful color tones that can be applied instantly with a click. Wow I sound like my own PR guy (oh wait, I am).

In tradition with my other collections, here’s a FREE sampler pack that includes 5 presets from Color Fantasies. There’s more image samples and a video on the product page so feel free to take a peek. The complete set come with more than 45 presets, plus an action. So when you like what you see, go check out the complete collection 😉

Watch the video and check out the whole set

Download the FREE CF sampler pack

Color Fantasies Lightroom Presets

Included sampler effects are…

  • Dynamica.
  • 1975.
  • Lemon Drops.
  • Criss Cross.
  • Morning Coffee.
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February 18, 2010

Color Fantasies Lightroom Presets

Remember back in December when I gave out the Christmas freebies pack. I talked about tweaking with color and finding new ways to approach it. Well, I said then there would be more to come and the more is now here.

Color Fantasies is my new collection of over 45 brand new effects that will do beautiful things to color that you’ve only dreamed about. I won’t blather on, but suffice to say I’m thrilled with how they turned out. Here’s a link to the info page. I’ll also be posting a free sampler pack soon… Gav

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January 24, 2010

by Gavin Seim: I decided it was time for some fun. And I really did have fun with this skit. I say ENOUGH of those ho hum screen casts explaining things we need to know. It’s time to do something revolutionary with photos. Lets get UGLY.

Really though. Lets remember HDR is NOT a style. It’s about light and managing it well. And once your done with this, you can find my real HDR videos right here. Or check out the EXposed Workshop and really take charge of the light.

Amaze your friends. Download the free Flickr HDR presets 😉

– Download these ultra ugly presets –

– Look at Gavin’s real products –

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