November 1, 2008

10/31/08 Seim Effects Photo Tools. Power Worflow 2 now available.

Today, after months of tweaking and testing on real sessions, Seim Effects has announced Power Workflow2, presets for Adobe Lightroom.

The Power Workflow Lightroom preset collection was launched in 2007, and proceeded to be one of the most effective and popular Ligtroom preset collections available. Power Workflow2 goes to the next level by adding new effects, better auto corrections, and Enhanced support for Lightroom2, utilizing tools such a post crop vignette.

Power Worklfow2 remains compatible with Lightroom1 and is available immediately for an introductory price of $29.99

Upgrade Discounts:
Owners of Power Worklfow1 will soon recieve an upgrade coupon for a substantial saving on Power Wrklflow2. Customers who purchases Power Workflow in the past 60days will recieve a FREE upgrade.

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October 8, 2008

Happy Fall everyone. To celebrate all these great fall colors we’re giving 15% off ALL PRODUCTS. Or buy 2 or more and get 20% off (double the normal discount) The sale ends October 25th so tell your friends.

Just use promo code – FALL
Save 20% on 2 or more with code – FALL2

Remember I’m here to help if you need it. Also here’s a shot taken on the beach I thought I’d throw in for fun. It’s been one of my popular ones on Flickr. Have a super week and stay tune to ProPhotoShow. New podcasts coming soon… Gavin

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August 27, 2008

I’ve been on the run with seniors this part week, and loving some of the results. Between a great subject, the umbrella, and the cool fence this was exactly what I wanted. I’m humbled at God’s amazing world that we use as a backdrop, and often take for granted. Even a simple wood fence can give just the look needed. Simplicity is KEY to a great portrait.

On a technical note, I know her hand is positioned a bit odd. I like the feel though. I try to encourage hand movement and let things go naturally. I just presetted with Power Workflow, and them smooth with action. My latest fav it the Simply Soft series from Creative Essentials. It’s just simple, and soft. The border is done automatically with a color coordinating action I made.

I getting into what I call the three keys. The eye’s, the moth and the hands. I think the key to controlling all these is learning to direct your subject in such a way that it happens naturally.

See more from this session on my siteGavin Seim

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August 26, 2008

Update 02/2011. I’ve updated this sampler pack with fresh effects that reflects the refinements in version 1.6. Download and enjoy.

UPDATE 02/2008: I had the wrong files in the download so people were getting one of my LR preset samples instead of the PS actions. It’s been fixed now.

Hey everyone. As many of you know I recently launched the new Creative Essentials actions. I’ve been using CE like crazy because it’s filled with actions I can use on everyday images I want to look great. It’s everything from skin softening effects, and fast glows to a mix of B&W’s, and workflow enhancers all in one simple action set.

I thought I’d post up a few freebies for you all. Here’s three actions that come from the Creative Essentials set, including Boost IT, Simple Sharp, Simply Soft I and Milk Chocolate. The whole set has over twenty actions, so if you like em check out the complete set.

Here’s the direct download, no strings, FREE as in totally. Enjoy… Gavin

Download Creative Essentials sampler PS actions

Check out the Complete collection and watch video

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August 20, 2008

Our Power Workflow lightroom presets are our most popular tool. Hundreds of photographers are using Lightroom with PW to keep their workflow going ultra fast. Our other presets, as well as the actions are also very popular, and we want your feedback.

I take Seim effects very seriously. I field test my presets and actions while under the gun, and I’m always looking for ways to make them better than before. I was just using some new Presets this weekend while at a wedding, and I’m pretty excited about what we’re working on.

So how could we improve our products. Organization, naming, categories, the way effects are applied. These are all things I try out and think about when working to make updates. What are your thoughts, and what would you like to see made to help us help you improve your editing??

Leave us a comment and let me know, or shoot me an email directly. A appreciate your feedback.

Also make sure in the S.E. club by being a a fan on Facebook. You’ll get updates, and most of all free goodies and effects to try out.

Gavin Seim

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