September 27, 2019

We just uploaded the hands-on workshops for filmist! One for Lightroom, and 1 for Capture One! Check’em out below! I’ve linked the images directly to the videos on my YouTube channel so you can watch full screen in 4k. While your there give us a subscribe.

If you don’t have Filmist yet, get it here.



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October 15, 2018

LR has changed up how Presets work in 7.4+. There’s a new preset manager that’s actually pretty good; you can finally hide the presets you don’t want and you can even use your presets in Lightroom Mobile.  So I made you two videos to get you up to speed on installing and organizing presets in Lightroom including the latest versions. The changes in 2018 made presets a little confusing so I thought we should simplify.

This first video is a fast look at presets in Lightroom CC, Lightroom Classic CC, Lightroom mobile and even Camera Raw.

The longer video is the in-depth look at dealing with presets in all versions including pre CC for those who have held off to go to a subscription model. I get you, though if you never plan to go CC it might be time to look at something like Capture One because LR6 is getting older. We even have a preset pack for Capture One too. Anyways the longer video also covers installing all other kinds of presets like Local Adjustment Brushes.

This may not be terribly exciting, but over the years we’ve tried to make this is fast and simple as possible. Hope it helps — Gav

The quick video for LR CC users…

The more advanced video for power users of all versions…

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April 13, 2018

People have asked me about being able to do this for a long time. Now with Lightroom 7.3 and the latest version of Camera Raw the, updated presets format allows you to use your Lightroom presets in Photoshop and Camera Raw and you can start now. In today’s video, I’ll show you how.

All of our current preset collections have been updated so if you’re ready to use the likes of Natural HDR, Belladonna, Silver or our other presets in Photoshop and Camera Raw, now you can. If you like this video subscribe to my YouTube channel. Also if you installed the presets in LR 7.3 or above they should automatically appear in PS/Camera Raw. But if you don’t use Lightroom you’ll need to install the presets first into Camera Raw. Here’s a video about that.

Also if you order 2 collections you can save 15% with code: BUNDLE. Or you can go here for more bundle deals.

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March 29, 2018

Today, we released Silver 3.1, the first major update for Silver 3. incredible black and white has never been simpler.

If you don’t have Silver 3 you can get it here. This is a free update for current owners so if you already bought silver check your email for the download link.

3.1 brings a bunch of new refinements, but rather than write about them I’ll show what’s new and some tips for Silver 3 in this video. I also made this in 4K so you can go hog wild with your full screen. You watch directly on my channel here.

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October 31, 2017

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Does video work?

We study marketing a lot over here and put a lot of work into it, especially our promo videos. Most companies don’t make a promos everything but I’ve always felt it’s important. I thought we could  share and maybe learn something about how to reach our customers better.

Does it matter, do people watch the videos or do they just read the copy? Honestly we agonize over promos here. Everything from the soundtrack to the humor. For example we started including outtakes because some people thought I was a bit too intense and artsy. It’s fun, but it’s something we use for balance.

We decided we to make two promo videos for the new Nitty Gritty collection. So first, which video is better? Second, do product videos effect how you buy? After that, let’s talk. Comment and tell us more. Do you make promo videos of your work? How would you do things differently? Let’s share some ideas that we can all use.

Tun into our Facebook page next week and I’ll share results on what worked here and why we did it.

Thanks for taking part. As a bonus we extended the $50 off deal on Nitty Gritty for another day. Get them here.

Promo Video 1:

Promo Video 2:

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