November 15, 2022

The two top dogs of RAW editing get better for 2023.

The end of the year brings new updates to some of our favorite editing tools and the competition between Lightroom and Capture One is always a good thing for photographers. In my Capture One VS Lightrooom 2022 review it was close. But a lot has changed in a year.

In the first part of 2023, I’ll do that somewhat famous Capture One vs Lightroom Compasrson review. But in today’s video, we’re going to take an initial look at which is better… Lightroom vs Capture One.

Still no Ai masks in Capture On 2023.

This was the big one people were waiting for in Capture One. As the 23 Lightroom update brought even more powerful masks with the new portrait Ai masking that I showed in this video. These are pretty amazing and I even update my Elegenace Speed Mask presets for it making a one-click portrait combo that is like nothing we’ve ever had.

Styles have only improved a little in Capture One. We can now save layers in style, but not really since the feature is so limited and does not work in most modes. So while I can still develop great tools like Filmist Styles for Capture One, I still can’t do the complex layer tools like I can with Speed-Masks in Lightroom.

I’ll demonstrate in the video above what we’re seeing now and I plan to do my final review coming soon. For now, I will say that the updates in Capture one are pretty minor, while Lightroom is changing the game for the Ai masks even though most other features remain the same.

Both Lightroom VS Capture One are both great editing apps

A lot comes down to preference. But at this state Capture, One and Lightroom both can give equal results despite what some older myths say. Yes even on Fuji Files with Lightroom as I showed in this test.

Let me know what you think and stay tuned… Gav

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August 21, 2020

Does C1 give better results on Fuji or other files? Today we look at some hard-to-process files from a Fuji XT-3 and see what the results say.

We’ll take a few FUJI RAW files and see what really hap[pens when we do the same process in LR and C1. To do that we’ll use the Classic Negative look from Filmist which will process the images almost identical in both.

Let me know if the comments what you think about the results and what you prefer.

Also for your own tests you can…




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November 3, 2019

With the Fuji Xpro 3 came the Classic Negative look. It’s based on Superia 200. But older cameras and other brands don’t have this film style. As part of the Filmist Project, I started creating classic Fuji-like presets for Lightroom and Capture One. This is my Classic negative film simulation!

So I made Classic Negative Like, a Free Lightroom Preset, and Capture One Style that’s like shooting it in the camera, but better.

Getting film presets to work on any camera takes time. The classic negative-like simulation was no exception. I don’t like camera-specific color profiles that limit you. I use a preset like this “Classic Negative”-like preset. I also made a Classic Chrome preset and you can read about that here.

In action… Classic Negative film recipe Preset and Capture One Style.

– DOWNLOAD my new 2024 V2 Fuji Classic Negative preset FREE.

The improved Gen.2 2024 classic neg film simulation in my free pack on the Filmist 3 film presets page. It includes Classic Negative as a Lightroom preset as a Capture One Style a LUT for video, PLUS a couple other presets from Filmist.

For years, I’ve been expanding my Film presets project, creating presets such as Porta, Fuji 400, Fujifilm black and white, and others. So I created a mini-free pack from my complete Film presets collection You can get the Seim Classic Negative look for free.

I’ll add the link above so you can get my latest version of the Classic Neg-like look and try it out. Feedback has been great on this and the new 2023 version is even more dialed in,

Fuji Classic Negative Like Lightroom Presets and Capture One Style
In-Camera JPEG beside my 2023 Classic Negative, Like Gen.2 presets for Lightroom and Capture. This new version of my classic neg film simulation is better than ever.

Film-inspired recipes and presets bring out the magic.

Film is a secret weapon most photographers don’t realize. It brings a nuance and atmosphere. It helps us balance shadows in a digital slider world that is often overcooked. See my post… Filmic Lightroom presets and styles ground your edits.

That’s why Fuji is the only camera brand people love for its color profiles. They are inspired by film and they have years of understanding how shadows and colors alter our senses.

Fuji Classic Negative look was inspired by Fujifilm Superia, a negative film from the 1990s. There are zero technical reasons to make color profiles work only on the latest cameras, it’s just a marketing trick. That’s why I set to work and made filmic presets/styles and Luts for this process.

Fuji Classic Negative lightroom preset
Classic negative Like applied to a RAW file.

Don’t stop at the Classic Negative film presets.

People can get stuck on these Fuji colors. They are good, but they are just film-inspired looks. I’ve included a few more film presets for Lightroom and Capture One in the Filmist Sampler download, like Portra 160, start extending out and trying the films, and the more you do the more control you will have over the tone and atmosphere of your photos.

My free classic neg preset works for Capture One, Lightroom CC, Lightroom Classic, and Lightroom Mobile, and has a preset for older versions like Lightroom 6. Go here if you need help installing presets.

I hope you enjoy this Fuji Classic Negative look. Please let me know what you think or if you have questions. You can also subscribe to my YouTube photography channel.

Gavin Seim

Fuji Classic Negative Preset and Style from Gavin Seim
Classic negative look recipe on Sony and other cameras
Classic Netagive like on a Sony RAW file brings the same look to my non-Fuji files.
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